
Sesame Seed Dip

Sesame seed paste combined with garlic, lime and cumin to complement lamb and fish dishes.

A popular condiment throughout Sudan that is also prepared in other parts of the Arabic speaking world. It is normally served wih fried fish and lamb dishes, as well as barbecued meats.


Sesame Seed Dip

Sesame seed paste combined with garlic, lime and cumin to complement lamb and fish dishes.

A popular condiment throughout Sudan that is also prepared in other parts of the Arabic speaking world. It is normally served wih fried fish and lamb dishes, as well as barbecued meats.



  1. Add sesame seed paste to a small bowl, add 50ml water and mix into a smooth paste.
  2. Add lime juice, vinegar, crushed garlic, yoghurt, olive oil, ground cumin and season with salt and black pepper to taste.
  3. Mix well then taste and balance the flavours accordingly.


  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise for a creamier taste.
  • Sesame oil can be used instead of olive oil for a nuttier taste
  • White ground pepper instead of black pepper to give a more uniform colour.


  • More water may be needed for consistency and/or to balance out the lime juice added.