
Sudanese-Style Falafel

Deep-fried chickpea falafel with garlic, spices, and dill.

Known as falafel in other parts of the Arabic speaking world, Sudanese ta'mia stand apart for being prepared into small dish shaped patties that are crispy on the outside with a softcenter.


Sudanese-Style Falafel

Deep-fried chickpea falafel with garlic, spices, and dill.

Known as falafel in other parts of the Arabic speaking world, Sudanese ta'mia stand apart for being prepared into small dish shaped patties that are crispy on the outside with a softcenter.



  1. Drain the water from the chickpeas. Use a food processor or mincer to break down the chickpeas.
  2. To use a mincer, place a large bowl under the grinding plate and use the pusher to put the chickpeas through the machine three times. Use a grinding plate with a hole diameter of 6mm or ¼ inch for medium to coarse grinding until the mixture is coarse, thick, and malleable, so that it forms a solid mass when shaped and compressed slightly.
  3. To use a food processor, blend the chickpeas with 50ml water for 8 to 10 seconds then pulse to achieve the same texture described above. Transfer the chickpeas to a bowl.
  4. After using either method, add the salt, coriander, garlic, baking powder, dill, and 100ml water to the chickpeas then mix well. Ensure the consistency is not too moist or dry: it should easily hold when shaped into a malleable coarse paste. If it's too dry, add more water a splash at a time, and add plain flour in small increments if too wet. 
  5. Cover a large plate or tray with kitchen towels. Add the oil to a large frying pan on medium to high heat. Make each ta’mia by putting a full tablespoon of the mixture in the centre of one palm. Use the other hand and even it out into a disc. Close the other palm over the mixture to shape the ta’mia in the space in between the palms and apply gentle pressure. Remove the top palm and use the fingers to tidy the edges by pushing them back into the centre. Transfer the ta’mia to the opposite fingers and shape the other side in the same way, ensuring the patty has enough hold to stay intact while frying. 
  6. Carefully place the ta’mia directly into the hot oil—it should sizzle immediately. Deep fry the ta’mia in batches until golden brown on both sides, about 4 minutes total, then remove and leave to drain in a sieve before placing on kitchen towels. Repeat with the remaining ta’mia. Serve warm, or if serving at a later period, cover with foil to avoid drying and hardening.


  • 20g finely chopped fresh coriander, 1 tablespoon coriander seeds, and/or 1 tablespoon ground cumin can be added to the minced mixture.
  • Run 1 seeded and trimmed green chilli or 1 quartered medium onion through the mincer then mix into the mixture.
  • Press ¼ teaspoon sesame seeds on the outside of each falafel before frying. 
  • Mince an equal amount of soaked fava beans or black-eyed peas instead of chickpeas. 
  • If using tinned beans, use 400g and mince these beans directly as they’re pre-soaked.
  • Add 1 large beaten egg to the mixture, this can improve hold but will make the mixture wet therefore avoid adding too much water.


  • Plastic food gloves may help form each ta’mia when handling the mixture, as they slide off easier than on bare hands.
  • The minced mixture can be frozen, then thawed, shaped, and fried to save time. Do not add baking powder, garlic, or fresh herbs before freezing, add these ingredients at the time of shaping and frying. 
  • Add a dash of water to baking powder until it foams before adding the minced mixture. This gives the ta’mia a crunchy texture.